Best In Show!
How incredible that dear Juan, Ch Piedmont High Roller, had first show this weekend in Australia with his owner, Rebecca Wistuba and won Best In Show! Considering he’s not stepped foot in a ring for almost a year, that’s pretty good going!
Thank you also to GS Judge John Palmer (Nsw) group judge Marie Patten (Nsw)
The build up to his first show was incredible lol Juan’s brothers and sisters have been winning best in shows around the world and lovely Rebecca would have been happy with winning breed, so to go on and win BIS, could not have happened to a nicer person!
Over a year a go at PCA I met for the first time, two of Australia’s top poodle people, Helen Turner and Josephine Turnley at lunch with my friend and cobreeder, Nancy Wilson
Sharon Svobosa was handling Juan who also placed. Anyway, we chatted about Juan at lunch and I had mentioned that I would love to send him somewhere where he would not be up against his brothers or sisters and they told me about this young girl in Sidney! What a great idea I thought, so at the table I sent her a message lol “Dear Rebecca, you dont know me but, I have something for you…….” she must have thought I was crazy x. Best decision I ever made!!
Funny how things can happen and it’s true what people say, it does take a village. Thanks to Jo, Helen, nancy, sharon, also to Christian Manelopoulos and Rachel who finished him in US, Anita Carter who whelped this litter and Pilar who got him safety to Oz