Sidney Wins Best of Variety
What a weekend! SOOOO, today under well respected judge Gene Blake, Sidney, Champion Piedmont Conquistador, went Best of Variety , Andy, Piedmont El Bandito, at his second show, went Best of Winners , and Samantha, Piedmont Bewitched, went Winners Bitch & Best Opposite Sex !!!!! On the video the first three are Sidney, Andy & Samantha. (I am a very proud breeder today)
This litter was co-bred with Nancy Wilson my friend who is always ready to talk to me at 2 in the morning about pedigrees lol
All three puppies are from the litter sired by Eli GCH Tarquin Huffish Piedmont Starboy X Ch Bar-none Piedmont’s Showstopper.
All three dogs are shown and conditioned by Christian Manelopoulos and Rachel Corbin at the world famous Tarquin Kennels North Carolina. Thank you team!